I think the main event from the last month was the coming of a young, new married couple from Sweden – Jesper and Rebecca Stighem.

They have felt that they wanted to do some work for MOKICCO during three months. They have paid their own tickets. Jesper is a theologian and has worked in a Lutheran parish in the south of Sweden. Rebecca has been a teacher for immigrants in Sweden. Both are committed Christians.

Where should they work?
Yes, we agreed upon that they would give their months in Mwangaria and our industry school there. 13 students are studying there, planning now for the end of the course the first weekend in December. (picture) We think that Jesper and Rebecca will be of tremendous help for us giving structure for the future of this school. The aim has shifted from only being in course in sowing but to be a “Mission school”, concentrating on entrepreneurship and help the teenagers from the MOKICCO fellowship (today 26 families with 140 children) to have a vision and a goal for their lives. The aim is also to interview every student and ask them what they really would like to do in the future. When a new course starts in January I think we will have got many ideas and recommendations from Jesper and Rebecca.

Thank You for standing with us in this work!
